Monday 15 July 2013


So as most of you will know, Cory Monteith, best known for his role as Finn Hudson on hit show Glee, 
sadly passed away this weekend aged 31.
We don't know how yet, but I'm sure you can appreciate the sadness his passing brings
to millions of people across the world, not to mention of course his family, friends and girlfriend.
He was a much loved actor and singer who managed to reach out to millions of young people worldwide through his character Finn Hudson on Glee and there is no doubt at all that he will be sorely missed.
I obviously did not know Cory personally, but there is something to be said if I, like millions of other people, could manage to see his beautiful, kind, sweet personality shine through only photos, videos and music alone.

If I had been lucky enough to meet him, let alone know him, I'm sure I would 
have no doubt been proven right and been enamored by his beautiful personality.
You only have to look at a photo of him with girlfriend Lea Michele, watch an episode of Glee, listen to one of his songs and it will quickly become apparent how genuine Cory was.
I should say 'he seemed' or 'I bet he was', as I didn't really know him, but I do know that I am right in saying he was a beautiful human being, kind hearted, a gentle giant, loyal, loving without even having met or known him personally.
You can't fake those things, and if you are of that nature, it will always shine through.
And Cory was, without doubt.

When I found out about his passing, I was in complete and utter shock.
I thought it was a hoax, a terrible PR stunt, and to be honest, a part of me still does, although I know I'm wrong in believing this. 
After ten minutes or so, it did begin to sink in, and before I knew it, I was in floods of tears, I feel tearful writing this now, and I just couldn't stop. 
Normally I don't cry at the death of a celebrity, although obviously I feel sadness and send my prayers to their loved ones. But Cory was different. 

I suppose it's partly to do with having watched him on Glee, as the whole format of television makes you feel like you really do know these people on the screen before you, and Glee was no exception.
 It connected to so many people, in such a personal way, that the characters  really did become 
friends of sorts.

You would turn on the TV at 9pm on a Monday and Finn, Rachel, Kurt, Artie, Quinn, Mr Schuh etc. would be there waiting for you and for an hour your worries would disperse. 
I will always be thankful for that, and Cory's character in particular was especially important, as Finn represented many key messages that young people ought to know.
He represented following your dreams, being whoever it is you want to be, believing in yourself, ignoring what other people think or say about you and living your life exactly how you want to live it.
Even if they do throw grape slushees in your face from time to time.

Aside from that, I believe the other reasons why I cried so much, are that in losing Cory, this world has lost one of the most beautiful, kindest, loveliest souls. A truly beautiful person.
Everyone who met him says he was one of, if not the, loveliest person they have ever met.
And I cried for them too, all those that knew him, because I cannot even begin to imagine or comprehend the awful grief, sadness and loss that they are feeling right now. My heart and prayers really go out to them.

In his short time on this earth, he managed to touch the lives of so many  people both personally and moreover through his character of Finn, he managed to connect with an even bigger audience, and I think that's a wonderful legacy to leave behind.
He represents hope, determination, bravery, as he chose to face and overcome his own personal struggles and live the life he wanted to, fulfill his dreams, find true love.  

As fans of Cory and Glee, we are lucky to have such an inspiring idol.
We are lucky to have had the chance to see the man he was through Glee, the music he created, his relationship with Lea, his many friends and supporters. 
And for those who really did know him and saw all that we saw but with their own two eyes instead of from behind a screen, they should comfort themselves with the knowledge that their love, support, friendship 
 helped make Cory the man he was. 
He left this world loved by so many and will always continue to be loved. 

I really hope he's peaceful and happy up in heaven, dancing and singing away.
If anyone was going to heaven, it would be Cory, and of course he went far to soon, but he achieved so much on this earth, and I bet you anything that he is watching over and protecting his loved ones from way up above. 
God bless you Cory.
Rest in peace.

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