Sunday 8 September 2013



Been suffering from Coldplay withdrawal symptoms? 
The Mylo Xyloto blues? 
Well my dear readers, Chris & co. are back, at least for now anyway,
and they've brought with them an exciting new record to keep us all satisfied
until the highly anticipated follow up to 2011's phenomenal worldwide success 'Mylo Xyloto',
which many expect to be released sometime in 2014.

And this little beauty is called 'Atlas'.
It's the first soundtrack to be released from Novemeber's second installment of the
incredibly succesful Hunger Games series, 'Catching Fire' and co-incidentally
it's also the first song Coldplay have ever written for a film soundtrack.
Pretty cool huh?

The song itself is pure Coldplay but as we all know, that's exactly
 what they do best. It's beautiful, it's haunting yet uplifting, it's stunning and 
absolutely captures the whole feel and essence of the 'Hunger Games'.

'Atlas' could easily stand for a single in it's own right,
and you can't help but speculate if this indicative of what is to come.
It bares no relation to hits such as 'Paradise' or 'Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall',
in fact it's probably a relative of 2002's 'A Rush of Blood To The Head' or 2005's 'X&Y',
but it's still very original and I don't know about you but I love the entwinement between
haunting and uplifting.
It shouldn't work, but it does. 
It really, really does.

Judge for yourself right here....

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