Saturday 14 July 2012


Since 2009, I have been a fan of Owl City, aka, the amazing Adam Young. I came across his melodically magical and electronic infused song 'Fireflies' back in 2009 through an American website on which I asked for tips on new music. Those Americans were ahead of the game, pointing me towards 'Fireflies' which was fast becoming a hit over the pond, and so I was given a head start in discovering the magic of Owl City way before both the band and song caused ripples over here.

Anyone who has listened to an Owl City song cannot deny that listening to Adam's music is like being caught up in a dream, or emerged in a pool of imagination from which you feel no desire to escape. Adam concocts a magical and eclectic combination of trickling beats, electronic imprints, serene tones and softly sung lyrics that when combined seem to create a glistening potion that washes over you and enlightens you. The music of Owl City seems to pinpoint the segment of the brain in which our imagination is stored, and unleashes it, compliments it and encourages it to run wild. The music Adam produces makes you dream whilst wide awake and it is a very serene experience. Early mornings or late evenings are when Owl City is your perfect companion, and I reckon this is because Adam's music is reminiscent of dreams, and these two points of the day are when we are in our most dream like states.

I really think that it is impossible to listen to an Owl City song and not feel happy, blissful, peaceful and eclipsed in one of the most beautiful sensations I personally have ever felt. It is a sensation hard to describe, but listening to the music of Owl City will allow you to experience this indescribable sensation too. Adam is an insomniac, or at least he was, as well as an introvert with a shyness that means he is not like many of the artists on the music scene, past or present. All of these characteristics, when put together, seem to form the perfect key to unlocking the music for which Adam Young is known for. These characteristics, when viewed and used positively, can end up being valuable tools when it comes to producing something uniquely and magically special. If you were to take away even one, I don't think that beautiful music could be produced as each characteristic is crucial to the key.

Fast forward three years and Adam is on the verge of releasing his fourth studio album this August, The Midsummer Station, and I have a feeling that it will be one to have in your record collection. On his blog Adam talks about the time and effort that have gone into his new offering, saying of his record that "it may not change the world,  but it will touch it" and for an artist to be so confident about their work surely means that it must be something special? Owl City has gone off the radar the last couple of years as the magic of 'Fireflies' wore off the enchanted public, however if Adam's claims about his new record are proven correct, and I truly hope they are, he may just find that Owl City once again becomes a must see musical destination in the minds of people everywhere.

-To enter Adam Young's mind, visit:
-The Midsummer Station is released worldwide on the 21st August 2012
-World Tour Tickets are on sale NOW
-Vanilla Twilight:

And in an ironic twist of fate, Owl City's newest collaboration with the infamous Carly Rae Jepson, Good Time, has just come on the radio, so here is the link NOW:

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