Wednesday 27 June 2012


If you're anything like me, you have a regularly updated list in the forefront of your mind full of artists you need  to see live in the flesh, performing a collection of their songs right in front of your very eyes, as soon as is physically possible. And if you're also like me, you tend to be oblivious to the fact that your much revered artists are actually touring and have released all so precious dates on which you, yes you, can actually witness them in all their glory. Therefore, as  a way of avoiding such problems in the future, I have concocted a list of various artists that are touring in September and October 2012. I figured that a list for Summer 2012 was a little overdue, although tickets to most festivals in July and August are still available if you are a little like me, living life on the edge by booking tickets to such events a month or so before hand.

I have created two lists for each month, with a list of artists and links to the dates of their shows which are displayed on their websites. Many artists have a wide collection of tour dates that would take far to long to note down, therefore providing a link means you can find a date and location to suit you. As you will know, there are many artists out there so to include them all would take far too long; therefore this is a list full of the main artists who are touring in that particular month. Some artists are also touring in both months so I will make a note next to such artists on the list. I hope to make this a regular feature and will update the 'WHO'S TOURING?' list every few months as new tours are announced.


I hope this helps you out and that you find the artist you are looking for!

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